Mission Statement
The mission statement of the Millennium Middle School Fine Arts Department is to promote an atmosphere of independent exploration, imagination, and success. Our students and faculty work together to realize their creative potential, using their academic and artistic experiences, to form lasting connections with their community and the world beyond.
Fine Arts and Communication Magnet
The teachers at Millennium are dedicated to providing students with the best educational experience offering a variety of classes for students to excel in. These classes are taught by teachers who are highly qualified and experienced in these areas. Along with the Pre IB Program, students at Millennium also have the opportunity to experience some of the amazing programs in both Fine Arts and Preforming Arts. Follow the links for more information on Millennium's Magnet Program which enriches students in both Fine Arts and Performing Arts classes.
Visit the SCPS Student Assignment and Program Access website.
2024-2025 Encore Applications
Some advanced programs require an application and/or audition.
- Enroll in band's informational eCampus course for music, dates, and more
Musical Theatre
Art Portfolio
TV Production
- Advanced Chorus classes (Ladies Ensemble and Fantasy Show Choir) - for information about advanced chorus, please contact Ms. Hood at [email protected]
Guitar III
Vivace Orchestra
- for information about Vivace Orchestra, please contact Ms. Savia at [email protected]
Piano III
P.I.T. Crew Applications can be found HERE